Why do I Need a Top Sheet?

Why do I Need a Top Sheet?

Do You Need a Top Sheet?

Top sheet or no top sheet? The polarizing bed linen has sparked a debate between millennials and baby boomers almost as divisive as avocado toast and buying a home.

Some claim the top sheet has no purpose - it just gets kicked to the end of the bed (enter Sova's The One Sheet™). Others say the top sheet is a must - it wraps you in a cozy cocoon and keeps your comforter clean.

Well, we are obviously team top sheet - but why do you need a top sheet? Let’s break it down.

Benefits of a Top Sheet:

  • Clean Your Comforter Less

    Your bedding is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. It’s warm, soft, and full of dirt you pick up while going about your day:

    • Sweating at the gym
    • Riding the subway
    • Going to daycare (don’t get us started on kids bedding)
    Even if you shower before bed, you’re shedding dead skin cells in your sleep (sexy, we know). Prevent bacteria and fungi by putting a barrier, like antimicrobial sheets or hypoallergenic sheets, between you and your comforter. Because when has shoving a comforter into the washer ever been easy?
  • Regulate Sleep Temperature

    Regulate Sleep Temperature Sweaty in the summer. Chilly in the winter. Our bodies are constantly changing based on the seasons, and our bed linens should too. In the summer ditch the duvet for breathable bamboo sheets - the natural cooling agents help eliminate heat while you sleep. In the winter, add a cozy-layer with high-quality bedding that traps heat inside without moisture.
  • Easily Refresh Your Bedroom

    Speaking of seasons, wouldn’t it be awesome if you could update your bedroom easily for summer? What about a spring refresh? Top sheets are a simple way to upgrade your bedding without breaking the bank on new throws or comforters - just add sheets in seasonal hues. Light blue for spring sheets, steel grey for winter sheets.
  • Add Skin Benefits

    More than 40% of Americans suffer from sensitive skin - eczema, rosacea, bad vacation sunburns. Comforters and duvets made of rough fabrics, like linen and cotton, can cause friction and irritation on the skin. Certified organic bamboo top sheets are breathable and hypoallergenic, making them one of the best bed sheets for sensitive skin.
  • Save Money

    Investing in high-quality top sheets means wearing down and replacing your comforter / duvet less - aka more money in your pocket.

Don't want to take our word about why the top sheet rocks? Then listen to Mari - a verified One Sheet customer:

“These sheets are so soft and are made of the highest quality. My husband loves to steal the top sheet and blanket in his sleep. He can no longer do that thanks to Sova!” - Mari M.

Now that you’ve been converted to team top sheet, bring our community-approved premium bamboo One Sheet home.